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Bosc Pear Waffles with Coronation Grape Syrup

 Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes

4 servings

recipe name




1 tbsp butter (15 mL)
1 Ontario Bosc pear, peeled, seeded and diced
2 tbsp packed brown sugar (30 mL)
1 cup all-purpose flour (250 mL)
1 tbsp granulated sugar (15 mL)
1 tsp baking powder (5 mL)
1/4 tsp salt (1 mL)
1 cup milk (250 mL)
1 egg
Coronation Grape Syrup
2 cups Coronation grapes, stemmed (500 mL)
1/2 cup granulated sugar (125 mL)
1 tbsp lemon juice (15 mL)


 Coronation Grape Syrup: In large saucepan, crush grapes with 1/2 cup (125 mL) water; bring to boil. Boil for 10 minutes; remove from heat. Strain, reserving juice and discarding grape skins. Return juice to saucepan; add sugar and lemon juice. Bring to boil over medium-high heat; boil for 10 minutes or until syrupy and reduced to 2/3 cup (150 mL). Let cool.

Meanwhile, in skillet, melt butter over medium heat; sauté pear and brown sugar for 6 to 8 minutes or until pears are tender. Set aside.

Whisk together flour, granulated sugar, baking powder and salt. In separate bowl, whisk milk with egg; stir into flour mixture just until combined. Let stand for 15 minutes. Fold reserved pear mixture into batter.

Preheat waffle maker according to manufacturer’s instructions. Pour ¾ cup (175 mL) batter into waffle iron; cook for 4 or 5 minutes or until golden. Repeat with remaining batter. Serve waffles with syrup.

Video Demonstration:

Nutritional Info

Nutrition Facts
Per 1/4 recipe
Calories 420
Fat 6g
Saturated Fat 3g
Cholesterol 60mg
Sodium 300mg
Carbohydrate 83g
Fibre 3g
Sugars 54g
Protein 8g
Vitamin A 10% DV
Vitamin C 10% DV
Calcium 15% DV
Iron 15% DV

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