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Fernande’s Peach Mousse

“Every summer at the cottage, my mother took advantage of peach season to prepare this recipe that my brothers, my dad and I loved so much. It was the era of liqueurs and everyone had a bottle of Amaretto in their bar! Nice memories... Today, I still enjoy the freshness of this fragrant mousse.” ~ Hélène Laurendeau

Makes 10 servings

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1-1/2 lb Ontario peaches (about 6), peeled, pit and cut into slices 750 g
1 cup Sugar 250 ml
3 tbsp Lemon juice 45 ml
1/4 cup Amaretto liqueur 50 ml
1 tbsp Powdered gelatine (one envelope) 15 ml
1 cup Cream 35% 250 ml
1/2 tsp Almond extract 2 ml
Strawberries or rasberries for garnish


In a sauce pan at medium heat, combine sugar, lemon juice and peaches and cook for 15 minutes, until peaches are soft and tender. Remove from heat.

In a small bowl, pour Amaretto and sprinkle with gelatine. Let swell for 10 minutes. Add the gelatine mixture to the peaches in the sauce pan and stir for one minute until gelatine is completely dissolved. Let peach mixture cool to room temperature.

In a medium bowl, whisk cream and almond extract until firm.

In a blender, puree peach mixture. Add puree to whip cream and mix well. Divide into 10 ramekins and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. Garnish with a strawberry or a few raspberries and a dollop of whipped cream, if desired.

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