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ontario tart cherries
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ontario tart cherry


Ontario's red tart cherries are the world-renowned Montmorency variety, the best cherries for pies, sauces, tarts, jams and desserts. In July, at the height of their availability, Ontario red tart cherries are pitted, chilled and packed to order daily in 5 kg (11 lb) pails with 10% sugar added. The cherries are also available with no sugar added (ask your supplier for details). Ontario black sweet cherries are available in 4.5 kg (10 lb) pails.


Ontario Tart Cherries-Pitted in Pails- 10% Sugar Added- Nutritional Information

Per 125ml/75g serving
63 Calories
Fat – 0.2 g
Carbohydrates – 15.7 g
Dietary Fiber – 0.8 g
Protein – 0.7 g



Ontario Sweet Cherries Pitted in Pails 10% Sugar Added- Nutritional Information

Per 1 cup (143 g) sugared Ontario Sweet cherries
136 Calories
Fat – 0.5 g
Carbohydrates – 34 g
Sugars 31 g
Fibre – 2 g
Protein – 1 g

ontario tart cherry news

SEPTEMBER 12, 2022

Sustainable food production at the core of Ontario’s tender fruit orchards

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JULY 11, 2022

Let Ontario’s fruit dazzle you with flavour and freshness this year!

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APRIL 27, 2022

Making local tree fruit a number one choice for Ontario consumers

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SEPTEMBER 23, 2021

85,000 New Trees and Vines Will Strengthen the Resilience of Niagara’s Tender Fruit Sector

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ontario tart cherry events


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